Protect your business, protect your people.
Your restaurant is a challenging endeavor, in addition to the risk of lawsuits, income interruption, and property damages. Get the right insurance coverage so you can get back to work running your restaurant and focusing on what matters: your food and customers.
Do I need restaurant insurance?
Restaurants and food-related small businesses all should have a form of restaurant insurance. These different food businesses include:
boba shops and cafes
fast food
food delivery
What coverages do I need?
A typical restaurant business owners' policy includes, at the minimum:
general liability insurance
property coverage
We bundle property and liability coverage into one policy, so that you need only pay one premium and remember one renewal date.
Additionally, some restaurants use vehicles, from food trucks to pickup trucks, in which case, auto insurance coverage should be provided.
Why ABC?
Restaurant owners have a unique set of insurance needs, and we specialize in fulfilling these needs through our many years of experience and our many exclusive programs. Whether it be business package policy (liability and property coverage), workers' compensation to protect you and your employees, EPLI (employment practices liability insurance), we have the expertise to help advise you in the insurance process. Contact us today to set up a consultation and rest assured that your insurance needs are in the best hands. Or, fastest way is to fill out the form here:
Own an Asian restaurant? We offer special workers' compensation rates -- contact us today!